8 pcs dried chili
2 stalks lemongrass
6 pcs black peppercorn
1 tsp chopped Kaffir lime peel
1/2 tsp cumin seeds
1/2 tsp coriander seeds
1/3 cup coconut oil
2 pcs shallot
2 garlic cloves
1/2 pcs fresh ginger
2 cups thick coconut milk
1 lb beef rump, sliced
6 pcs small eggplant(chopped into bite-size pieces)
1/4 tsp dried basil
2 cups thin coconut milk
2 tbsps fish sauce
fresh basil leaves
fresh red chili, shredded

Soak chili in warm water until soft; drain and pat dry. Chop lemongrass and place in mortar. Pound lightly, then add peppercorn, lime peel, cumin and coriander seeds; pound until smooth. Heat oil in wok until moderately hot and stir-fry spice paste, shallot, garlic and ginger 4-5 minutes. Add thick coconut milk and continue to stir until liquid is reduced by half. Add beef, eggplant, dried basil and 1 cup thin coconut milk. Bring almost to a boil. Simmer until beef is cooked. Add fish sauce and stir in remaining coconut milk. Bring almost to boil and allow to reduce slightly. Transfer to serving bowl and garnish with fresh basil leaves and shreds of red chili.
