Asadong Sugpo

1 kilo fresh prawn
2 tbsps cooking oil
2 pcs medium onion, chopped
2 tbsps crushed garlic
dash of white pepper
2-3 pcs bay leaves
1/2 cup native vinegar
2 tbsps Lea & Perrins Worcestershire Sauce
1 tsp paprika
1/2 cup chopped fresh tomato
sugar to taste
calamansi and chili

Wash prawn and cut whiskers off. Trim pointed mouth and drain prawn in coriander. In saucepan, heat cooking oil and sauté onion, garlic, white pepper and bay leaves. Add vinegar. Let boil without stirring. Add Worcestershire sauce, paprika and tomato; add sugar. Cook until tomato is soft and sauce is reduced but not dry. Add prawn and and let simmer until prawn turns red and cooked. Braise until sauce is absorbed by prawn. Serve while hot with calamansi, chili and Worcestershire sauce.
