Hot Sisig!

Sisig is one of my favorite food... and here's the recipe on how to cook yummy, spicy sisig!


Half kilo of pork tongue
Half kilo of pork heart
Half kilo of pork cheeks
Half kilo of pork liver
2 hot chili's (minced)
2 onions (minced)
garlic (crushed)
5 table spoon soy sauce
1/4 cup vinegar
2 cups of water
Vegetable oil
Salt and Pepper
1 raw egg

1. Mix the pork tongue, heart, cheeks and liver with a pinch of salt, pepper and water. Boil for an hour until the meat becomes tender.
2. After cooking, drain and let it for about a minute then mince everything and mix.
3. Saute garlic until brown in a hot pan.
4. Add the onions.
5. Add the mixed tongue, heart, cheeks and liver.
6. Cook until pork becomes brown and crisp.
7. Add the soy sauce and vinegar.
8. Add Salt and pepper.
9. Remove from the heat and put into a plate.
10. Sprinkle it with the minced chili's and top it with the raw egg.
11. Enjoy you yummy and hot sisig!
